Our Story

Founded in 2024, the Young Athlete Performance Center (YAP Center) is a specialized training facility catering exclusively to young athletes in grades three to eight. The inspiration for YAP Center came from our journey as parents, supporting our young daughter’s deep passion for soccer. As her love for the game grew, so did our understanding of its unique physical demands on her developing body. We began designing age-specific fitness programs to strengthen her performance, focusing on areas that required more than the skills learned during her weekly team practices.

Our mission gained clarity during the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup when headlines highlighted the staggering prevalence of knee injuries, mainly ACL tears, among elite female soccer players. This devastating trend, dubbed “the curse stalking women’s soccer,” resonated deeply. As we read about the disproportionate risks young female athletes face due to biomechanical and hormonal differences, we realized the urgent need for innovative training solutions tailored to the unique physiology of young athletes—solutions that prioritized injury prevention while enhancing performance.

Determined to protect our daughter and others like her, we explored methods to build strength, stability, and resilience in young athletes. These principles became the foundation of the YAP Center. Today, we proudly offer specialized programs in soccer and other sports, equipping student-athletes to excel in their game and develop the physical and mental resilience needed to enjoy lifelong success in sports and beyond.

Our mission is to empower young athletes with tailored fitness training to unlock their full potential.

Our Focus:

  • Age-appropriate fitness programs designed by certified trainers.

  • Group and individualized training options.

  • Program for sport-specific training.

  • Emphasis on injury prevention and long-term athletic development.